Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Shopping with a purpose

There is anything better that buying diapers in bulk, because you forget about them for at least two months before you need to spend another $60 in the store like there is no tomorrow.

Yesterday I was so excited to go to the store, and get another few things we needed besides diapers, such as frozen dinners. But as I walked into Costco I realized how unprepared I was to go shopping    --though I believe shopping has a cathartic effect on me.  I totally love walking into any store and spend an exorbitant amount of time wandering through the isles, but yesterday was an exception.

On the other hand, Aaron dislikes with all his heart and might going shopping.  The only time he enjoys shopping is when we go buy him clothes.  He takes me by my hand to any part in the men's department he wants to go, to make sure I don't get distracted and leave him alone, then he makes me go with him into the fitting room.  He looks at me and waits for thumbs up or thumbs down on anything he tries on. He knows I just want him to look cute.  

The second place he stands is Barnes & Noble, that's a destination for many of our weekly dates!  We go book hunting and end up reading whatever subject we want to learn, usually it goes like this: Aaron ends up with the music books, while I make a tower with all sorts of craft books; we sit on a table and read as much as we can before Mr. Asher gets fussy and out of control, then we know it's about time to leave. 

There's anything worse in my life that feeling unprepared.  That's why yesterday I wasn't happy about going shopping.  For the past few months I've been wanting to make weekly meal menus so I don't have to wonder what's for dinner everyday, and then recount all the ingredients I should of bought when I was in the store. It seems impossible to find the time to sit down, gather many yummy, easy and healthy recipes and make a list of all the ingredients.  But as I walked out of the store yesterday I decided to really do it, no matter what it takes.  So in the next coming weeks I will be posting great dinner ideas to share with you!  

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